"Knowledge Is Wealth" - Syerilmu
SyerIlmu.com (SI) is a knowledge portal (k-portal) that acts as a platform for people with common interests to share their knowledge effectively. This group is also known as Special Interest Group (SIG), Common Interest Group (CIG) or Communities of Practice (CoP). CoP consists of three main categories that are professional, interest, or demographic group. For example, when setting up a group of software engineers, they are professional group. On the other hand, a group such as photography club falls under an interest group. A group of students who have interest in English can set up a demographic group based on their level of English skills.
Thus, SI provides an effective solution for such groups to be connected online as a knowledge community (k-community) through their membership in order to share their related resources, activities, communicate via forums or e-mails and having sub-groups among their members in order to manage and archive all their members’ knowledge and expertise. In addition, SI also acts as a portal to guests who need to know about the group based on the visibility of materials allowed by the group.
In the nutshell, SI is suitable for any groups with the same interest that require an online platform to promote their groups to other people, share resources among members such as meeting minutes, capture their group activities for future reference, making announcements for members, besides group discussion via forum and personal message. SI also allows a group to create sub-groups among them to manage different level of resource sharing and communication.
SI is a research related project at Faculty of Computing and partly supported by UTM Technology Entrepreneurship Centre (UTMTEC) under the startup Knowledge Wonders. Visit Contact Us and Application page for more details.